Weeping Angels are beings found in the Doctor Who universe and known for striking terror into fans of the show. First introduced in season 3, the Angels proved a rather obscure and spine-chilling antagonist for the Doctor and their companions. We are going to take a closer look at just what these Angels are, what they can accomplish, and how one might potentially beat them.
What is a Weeping Angel?
Weeping Angels are creatures of unknown origin and known throughout the universe as “The Lonely Assassins”. They take on the appearance of angel statues, but can also be seen as cherubs and—at one point—the statue of liberty. A Weeping Angel can be identified by its stature. Most will hold their hands in front of their face to block sight of it. When hunting or about to strike, the statues will sprout razor sharp teeth and claws. Typically, they will have their arms outstretched to their target if caught in this position. Weeping Angels are a predatory species, feeding off the life force of their prey.
The Rules
There are several rules that one must follow if they wish to survive a Weeping Angel attack:
1. Do not look away from the Weeping Angel.
Weeping angels are only capable of attacking if not being actively perceived. This means that one must always have an eye on an angel at all times. Weeping Angels also move incredibly fast, so even a single blink could mean death.
2. That which holds the image of an Angel is itself an Angel.
Weeping Angels transfer between video and images. While information behind how this exactly occurs is unknown, it does mean a grim outcome for anyone that attempts to take a video of said creature.
3. If you stare too long at an Angel, an image of it enters your mind.
A shortcoming to the idea that staring at an Angel indefinitely will save oneself becomes clear once it is realized that the Angel can have drastic effects on one’s mind. Picturing the Angel in the mind unfortunately forms an actual angel, which has consequences.
4. Infection within the mind by an Angel creates side effects.
The Angel created within one’s mind can manipulate the person imagining it and even transform them. The Angels are capable of causing hallucinations, sickness, and even turning someone into a Weeping Ang

How Do They Attack?
As mentioned before, Weeping Angels are a predatory species. However, they do not feed on flesh like normal predators. Instead, a Weeping Angel’s diet consists primarily of life force. They hunt by following behind their prey when not being perceived, using their impeccable speed to catch up to it and strike. A single touch from a Weeping Angel will then send the prey back in time, usually to a location in time and space where they could never possibly interact with their present self. After this, the Angel will then feed on the unlived years of the prey in current time. After being touched by an Angel once, one should hope they do not allow a second touch. Being touched by a Weeping Angel again will result in immediate death.
How Can You Beat One?
Despite the chances of survival against an Angel attack seeming grim, there have been several instances where characters in the show have actually managed to beat the angels. For instance, Amy Pond managed to beat a Weeping Angel in season 5 by winking. Although it does not eliminate the threat of the Angel, it does provide a better chance at escape. According to the series, Weeping Angels are invincible, meaning that they cannot be destroyed by any conventional means. Despite being presumably made of stone, they are not actually stone. There are three primary methods/theories for how to defeat a Weeping Angel:

1. Use a mirror.
There have been instances in the past where characters in the Doctor Who Universe have used mirrors in order to stop the Weeping Angels. During the Siege of Trenzalore, The Doctor manages to do just this. The theory surrounding this method follows the rule that “any image of an Angel is an Angel”, hence the Angel in the mirror would therefore be its own second Angel.
2. Get two Angels to face each other.

Though far harder than it sounds, Angels can potentially freeze each other with their own perception. If one were to strategically place themselves in a spot where the Angels could face each other, it would put them in a spot where they could have a stare down indefinitely.
3. Wink.
It is such a simple way to stop the Angel, but effective nonetheless. While it is only a temporary solution to stop the Angel, it will suffice until it is safe to make a quick escape. One thing to note about this solution is that, while it could potentially stop one Angel, it would be far harder to keep one eye on a hoard of Weeping Angels. Alternatively, you could confuse the Angel and make it think you are flirting with it. Who knows how that could turn out.
Weeping Angels are considered one of the scariest beings in the Doctor Who universe, and for a good reason. The inability to be destroyed combined with the quick and sudden means of attack make for a formidable enemy, and their mysterious origins add to the unnerving nature of the Angels. We may never know where they came from, but we do know that they are quite a horrifying creature and one that should not be messed with.